Draped in the regal elegance of black and golden silk, my Eid attire whispers tales of timeless sophistication. The interplay of darkness and radiance mirrors the essence of celebration, symbolizing the triumph of light over darkness. As I step into the festivities, adorned in this resplendent ensemble, may every moment be adorned with joy, love, and the golden threads of cherished memories. Eid Mubarak! 🖤✨ #EidEnchantment #SilkSplendor #BlackAndGold" This is a complete three pieces dress. Fabric is cotton silk Duppata fabric is khadi net with banarsi borders and laces detailing Trouser fabric is raw silk with heavy jamavar extended applique Kurta style loose shirt has a neckline of stones and pearls Feel free to contact on WhatsApp 03323154767 for any query.

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